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Noam Chomsky On Palestine Deutsch

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Ilan Pappé and Noam Chomsky Discuss the Future of Palestine

A Compelling Look at the Roots of the Current Escalation

In an upcoming news article, renowned voices Ilan Pappé and Noam Chomsky will delve into the complexities of the situation in Palestine and the challenges that lie ahead for its people. From the US-backed foundational elements to the role of the left-liberal in both past and present times, Pappé and Chomsky will offer insightful perspectives on the path forward.

Chomsky, widely considered one of the leading critics of US foreign policy, will provide specific examples to illustrate how the left-liberal of today mirrors the passivity displayed during the Vietnam War in the sixties. By examining the historical context and current geopolitical dynamics, Pappé and Chomsky will shed light on the urgent need for peace and a just resolution for the people of Palestine.
